
Customer Kitchens

Ola Lustig’s kitchen in Gamla Enskede

Ola Lustig’s kitchen in Gamla Enskede Ola Lustig and his partner Elin live in Gamla Enskede. They renovated…

Kitchen, laundry room and bathroom in the home of Huslyftet

Kitchen, laundry room and bathroom in the home of @Huslyftet In Floda, outside Gothenburg, there is this lovely…

20’s kitchen in Gothenburg

SEKELSKIFTESKÖK I MAJORNA Would you like someone else to decide the type of kitchen you have in your…

A light blue kitchen

A SMALL BLUE-GRAY KITCHEN FOR TEN PEOPLE In the 20th century, a residential area was built in Kungsladugård…

Sustainable Shaker kitchen in Stockholm Eco village

Sustainable Shaker kitchen in the eco-village Johanna and Mattias live in the eco-village in Understenshöjden outside Stockholm. There…

A dark blue kitchen in Stockholm

A DARK BLUE KITCHEN IN STOCKHOLM When Petter and Molly, and their four-month-old daughter, moved into their new…